British teen, 16, found dead with head injuries in Thailand forest as police hunt for missing girlfriend

A British teenager’s body has been found by a garbage collector in Thailand

A British teenager’s body has reportedly been found in a forest in Thailand with head wounds and injuries resembling blunt force. Woramet Ben Taota, 16 who is of dual nationality is thought to have gone for a motorcycle ride with his girlfriend Yam on May 6, but did not return home.

Local police in the Lampang area of Thailand said they received a report that the teen, who was living in the country at the time, had been found dead by a garbage collector who was at work in the Ban Than district on Sunday morning (May 7). They believe he was killed and left in the woods as there were no signs of struggle

Police Colonel Sittisak Singtongla, superintendent of the Mae Tha Police told theDaily Mail: “The station received a notification at 10.15am that a deceased person was found in the undergrowth.

“’We are currently tracking down individuals close to the victim, including his female companion. She is a key figure in this case since she is the last person to see him alive.’

“Investigative teams from Mae Tha Police Station and Lampang provincial investigation team, along with forensics officers, forensic medicine doctors and staff from Tanna Krua Forest Rescue attended the scene.”

M27 crash M27 crash
M27 crash

Thai police said they are not ruling out any motives with a possible love affair, a personal conflict, or a work dispute being related to the death.

Police Colonel Sittisak added: “We have not yet finalised the issue. It is still unclear whether it was a robbery, because the phone and cash of the deceased were not found, but we still cannot rule out other issues.”

Thai media say the teenager was found with his back against a tree wearing a black long sleeve T-shirt and jeans. Meanwhile, police confirmed that the body has been taken to hospital for an autopsy. Officers are still looking for the teen’s missing girlfriend who has not been found.

“We are currently tracking down individuals close to the victim, including his female companion. She is a key figure in this case since she is the last person to see him alive”, they added.