Britain’s ugliest dog award: See the seven pug-ly pups in the running to win a makeover and photo session

See the seven ‘less than perfect’ pooches competing to be crowned ‘Britain’s ugliest dog’.

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes - although some are perhaps less adorable than others. However, dog enthusiasts know every dog is cute in their own special way, regardless of whether it is small and round, large and hairy, or somewhere in between.

And now a photography company is on a mission to find the UK’s ‘most ugly’ dog to celebrate their uniqueness, despite their superficial appearance.ParrotPrint.comhas shortlisted seven dogs which they deemed to be the least attractive among hundreds of applicants to win a makeover (not that they need it!) and photography session.

The seven dogs hail from across the country and include a British Bulldog from the West Midlands called Winston George, whose owner describes him as a cross between a grumpy old man and a naughty school kid.

Another finalist, Jazz, a Brusston from North Wales, is described as ‘not photogenic’ by their owner who said: “When I show people her photo they usually go quiet and are lost for words.”

Matt Dahan, founder ofParrotPrint.comsaid: “We received hundreds of entries and these seven were the ones who made our eyes hurt when we looked at them. There really are some ugly mutts out there in the UK and we hope our contest will celebrate the best of them.

“We were clear from the outset that no pretty pets need apply and these seven certainly could not be described as good looking in any way, shape or form. Now our judges have the tough task of choosing exactly which of these mutts is the most offensive to look at.

“We will select one of these pets for the coveted title of Britain’s ugliest dog and they will win a makeover and photo session. Let’s see if we can transform the winning ugly dog into a beautiful pooch and brighten up its owner’s life at the same time.”

The company said the winner will be announced in February when the ugly mutt will receive their photoshoot and pampering prize.

‘Britain’s ugliest dog’ award finalists (in no particular order):

  • Marnie, a French Bulldog from Wiltshire, 2
Marnie Marnie
  • Winston George, a British Bulldog from the West Midlands, 5
Winston George Winston George
Winston George
  • Peggy, a Pug Chinese Crested Mix from East Yorkshire, 3
Peggy Peggy
  • Jazz, a Brusston from North Wales, 5
Jazz Jazz

  • Bella, a Pug from Sheffield, 6
  • Roger, a Pug, Toy Poodle and Ugly Boi cross from West Yorkshire, 1
  • Milo, a Blue French Bulldog from Kent, 1
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