Brexit: Regret for leaving European Union reaches all time high with majority now wanting to rejoin group

The UK voted to leave the European Union in 2016, but Brexit regret is now at an all time high, according to two separate polls.

The British public now regretsBrexitmore than at any other point since the referendum, according to pollsters YouGov and Deltapoll. The UK voted to leave the EU in 2016 by 52% to 48%.

According to YouGov, 57% of voters believe Brexit was a mistake while just 32% thought Brexit was the correct decision. YouGov also found a majority of voters, 51%, now want to rejoin the EU.

Deltapoll also found 51% want to rejoin whilst 34% are content outside of the EU. Pollster Omnisis also found the same result among voters, with a solid and growing margin in favour of rejoining, although short of a majority.

According to Omnisis, 32% of voters support staying out of the EU, down 2% on their last poll, while 48% want to rejoin the group.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said in May that Brexit is delivering benefits, citing his flagship policy of freeports and VAT cuts that he said would make beer and sanitary products cheaper. British business investment has struggled to grow since mid-2016, in contrast with other advanced economies.

虽然Brexit-supporting经济学家point to the fact that capital grew strongly in the years leading up 2016 and was bound to slow, business surveys point to Brexit as one cause of the stagnation.

The YouGov survey of more than 2,000 British people showed 63% now regard Brexit as more of a failure than a success, compared with 12% who saw it as more of a success. A further 18% said it was neither.

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