BT shares how to get the most out of your wifi router - including the worst places to keep your hub

BT has offered advice to customers on how to get the most out of their broadband speeds

BT has revealed how positioning your wifi router can help speed up your broadband. The telecommunications company also shared the worst place to keep your internet hub during ablog post on its website.

All Internet Service Providers will tell you that the position of your broadband router is key to having fast internet speeds. However, if your hub is on a window ledge then it could be slowing down your wifi.

BT revealed that having your wifi router next to a window means that you could be losing some signal to outside the home. The broadband supplier said: “If you place your Hub next to a window, half of the signal goes outside. This is fine if you want to use the signal outside the window, but a waste if you’re trying to maximise the signal inside your office.”

The internet provider also said that you shouldn’t keep your wifi router on the floor, suggesting that you could be losing signal through the floor. BT said: “Think of your wi-fi signal like light from a light bulb. You wouldn’t put a light on the floor if you wanted to light up the entire room (and the rooms adjacent to it). No, you’d make sure you could see it.”

“It’s the same with your BT Business Hub. If you keep it on the floor, you’re losing signal through the floorboards.” They also shared that keeping your hub at least five feet away from metal or other electronics to give your wifi router the best chance of faster internet speeds.

BT said: “Routers are affected by electrical interference so make sure it’s at least five feet away from TVs, monitors, dimmer switches, PC speakers, halogen desk lamps, and so on. Interference from other routers, or wireless access points in the area that are on the same wireless channel, can also affect the performance of your router.

“The BT Business Hub uses Smart Scan to stay on the strongest channel in a bid to avoid interference. And the same goes for metal objects. Take a tip from us and avoid them (and mirrors, come to that).”

The broadband supplier also revealed the best ways to speed up your internet speeds. BT suggests keeping your hub in a central location within your property, this will help reduce the number of walls signals will need to pass through.

By keeping your wifi router in a central location, it maximises the internet connection in more places. BT also suggests keeping your hub on display and not hiding it away in a cupboard.

BT说:“如果你把你的中心在一个柜子里,你孩子们l reduce your wi-fi performance. The loss is less than if the signal was going through a wall - but it’ll still slow down your speed and reduce how far your signal can travel.”

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