英国广播公司presenter scandal: Metropolitan Police issues update after virtual meeting with broadcaster

The Metropolitan Police said it’s ‘assessing information’ following talks with the BBC

The Metropolitan Police have issued a statement regarding the英国广播公司presenter scandalfollowing a virtual meeting with the broadcaster. The英国广播公司is currently investigating claims a well-known member of its staff paid a teenager for sexually explicit pictures.

A police statement said: “Detectives from the Met’s Specialist Crime Command met with representatives from the BBC on the morning of Monday, 10 July. The meeting took place virtually.

“They are assessing the information discussed at the meeting and further enquiries are taking place to establish whether there is evidence of a criminal offence being committed.

“There is no investigation at this time.”

The Sun newspaperoriginally reported the allegations, which claimed the presenter allegedly paid more than £35,000 to the teenager in exchange for pictures. The mum of the teenager said she launched a complaint to the BBC on May 19 but the male presenter stayed ‘on air’.

The mum also alleged that the money helped sustain her child’s crack cocaine addiction. The person is said to have started receiving payments from the presenter when they were 17-years-old.

在周日的一份声明中,BBC赛d the presenter had been suspended, with the corporation receiving “new allegations of a different nature” in addition to their own investigations.

The same day,The Sunreleased another report claiming the presenter made ‘two panicked calls’ to the young person and demanded the mum stop the investigation against them.