Apple is releasing a new low-cost handset - here's everything we know about the iPhone 9/SE2

Even the Coronoavirus has been unable to slow Apple’s steady stream of new iPhone variations.

而粉丝们焦急地等待释放高-end smartphone’s next full evolution, the iPhone 12, another option looks set to drop this year.

Apple has yet to confirm whether the SE2 will make its way to consumers, but leaks have already provided a fairly clear picture of what the new low-cost handset will include.

Here’s everything we know so far.

What is the iPhone 9 (SE2)?

The iPhone 9 (also known as SE2) is a version of the iPhone Apple are rumoured to have been working on for some time.

Rather than presenting a technological advance on or a slimmed-down version of the previous model - as new iPhone usually do - the SE2 is a low-cost alternative to existing iPhones.

Essentially, it will pack the functionality of a newer model into the body of an older one, allowing it to sell at a lower price.

What will it feature?

Information regarding the low-cost model has been steadily leaking out from Apple HQ for the last few months.

iPhone 9显然会效仿iPhone 8, making it a lightweight, easy-to-use phone with a glass back, allowing wireless charging. It will feature fingerprint ID but not face ID.

This also means that it will have a 4.7-inch LED display.

For those disheartened by the notion of a smaller screen, some analysts have predicted that another budget iPhone - based on the iPhone X and featuring a 5.4-inch display instead - will be released some time after the iPhone 9.

Snap-happy Apple fans will be glad to know that the iPhone 9 will reportedly feature the same 12MP camera as the iPhone 11, although, to keep the price down, it will shed the ultrawide or telephoto sensors.

While many are excitedly anticipating the iPhone 12’s new long-range 3D camera, it seems highly unlikely that this would be included in a cut-price model.

When it comes to pure horsepower, Apple reportedly will not be skimping on their new low-cost phone - the iPhone 9 is set to feature the iPhone 11’s Apple A13 chipset which should make it one of the fastest phones on the market.

For those determined to be cutting edge, though, it is worth noting that the iPhone 9 will apparently not feature 5G support.

How much will it cost?

Reports have suggested that iPhone 9 handsets will start at $449 (around £350).

When will it be released?

While Apple have yet to even confirm that the iPhone 9 actually exists, many have speculated that it will launch as early as this March, with a special event dedicated to its unveiling.

This would be in keeping with the company’s recent behaviour. Apple have held large events in the March of the last two years, revealing Apple News+ in 2019 and showing off the latest iPod upgrades in 2018.

Apple are rumoured to be preparing for a big event on Tuesday 31 March, which could be when we get a look at their new budget-friendly phone.

There has been speculation that the phone itself could even arrive at the end of that week, on Friday 3 April.

However, other gossip-mongers have predicted that this year’s March event will instead see the launch of Apple’s over-ear headphones

This article originally appeared on our sister site,The i.