Animal activists who stole lambs from King Charles’ Sandringham estate hand themselves in to police

Animal activists who stole lambs destined for slaughter from King Charles’ Sandringham estate in Norfolk have handed themselves in to the police.

Animal rights activists who swiped three lambs from the King’s Sandringham estate during a night-time raid have handed themselves in to police. The trio, from the Animal Rising group, filmed themselves going on to Appleton Farm near King’s Lynn, Norfolk, to take the animals from a field.

They then drove off with the creatures, which they claim were destined for slaughter. The women said they had “rescued” the young sheep to allow them to “live their lives to the fullest”.

The activists, named as Rosa, Sarah and Rose and all in their 20s and 30s, then travelled to Berkshire and posed for photographs in front of Windsor Castle. They then handed themselves in to local police, who arrested them on suspicion of theft.

Norfolk Constabulary has confirmed it is investigating. In a post on social media, Animal Rising said the three women acted on “bravery and compassion” for the animals, which they took at around 8pm yesterday (May 24).

Images released by the group shows the three, in pink Animal Rising t-shirts, walking through a field of sheep and loading the lambs into the back of a vehicle. The group said on its website that the incident “marks the first” of its “high-profile ‘open rescues’ this summer”.

Sarah Foy, one of the women involved, said: “Like anyone, animals want to live out their lives safely and without being used or exploited. Sadly that is not the case here at Sandringham, or anywhere they are used in our food system.

“That is exactly why we rescued three sheep today – three beautiful lambs who will now live their lives to the fullest. We urgently need a national conversation about our relationship with other animals and nature,” the 23-year-old added.

The activists, named as Rosa, Sarah and Rose and all in their 20s and 30s, then travelled to Berkshire and posed for photographs in front of Windsor Castle. The activists, named as Rosa, Sarah and Rose and all in their 20s and 30s, then travelled to Berkshire and posed for photographs in front of Windsor Castle.
The activists, named as Rosa, Sarah and Rose and all in their 20s and 30s, then travelled to Berkshire and posed for photographs in front of Windsor Castle.

The three women remain in custody. The group said it “stands by the belief that a jury of ordinary people will take the side of care and freedom”.

The Sandringham estate has declined to comment.