Young glider pilot wins club scholarship

A promising young glider pilot has received a EuroFOX Aviation scholarship from Banbury Gliding Club.

ByThe Newsroom
Wednesday, 15th June 2016, 1:14 pm
Updated Wednesday, 15th June 2016, 2:17 pm

At the age of 14, Robert Holloway, from Newton Blossomville, has already been gliding for 18 months.

Now Robert, who attends Olney Ousedale School, is keen to take the sport further and hopes to pursue a career in aviation.

When Banbury Gliding Club brought its first EuroFOX kit aircraft, manufacturers EuroFOX Aviation offered the club a junior scholarship, consisting of 25 flights with an instructor to bring a junior pilot up to or near solo standard.

It also includes an hour’s flight in a motor glider for the candidate to experience cross-country and field landings.

In his submission to the awards committee, Robert said: “At the start, the idea of flying was quite exciting and once was up in the air, I felt a sense of freedom, much like nothing I had ever experienced before. From then on I was hooked!”

EuroFOX Aviation spokesman Roger Cornwell said: “EuroFOX Aviation is committed to fully supporting the growing fleet of UK glider tugs and has a passion for helping youth into aviation. Being our first UK gliding club customer, we were delighted to offer the Banbury Gliding Club the funds to award this scholarship.”