Witness accuses Arriva bus driver of racism

A bus driver who failed to stop for a mum and her three children is being investigated over allegations of racism.


Natalie Lewis claims she witnessed the driver “laugh his head off” as he passed the mum, who was black, flagging down the bus at the stop in Grange Farm.

The passerby, who was walking her dog on Dunthorne Way last Thursday, said she wanted to give chase to confront the Arriva bus driver, but her recent leg operation stopped her from doing so.

“I was stunned,” said Ms Lewis.

“I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my own eyes.


“It was obvious to me this was a racist incident, which I find really upsetting.”

Moments after seeing the distressed mum walk away from the bus stop with her children, Ms Lewis called Arriva to report the incident.

She added: “They were not interested in investigating it at all.

“The person I spoke to on the phone said they wouldn’t investigate a third party complaint –despite the fact I had witnessed the whole thing.


“I find it outrageous.”

This week Arriva launched a full investigation into the 
alleged incident.

A spokesman said: “We will investigate this allegation.

“We take reports of this nature extremely seriously and would not tolerate this sort of behaviour.”


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