Volunteers recognised for their hard work by royalty

Volunteers of MK Citizens Advice Bureau gave advice to help solve more than 26,000 financial problems last year.

Princess Anne in MK's Citizens Advice Bureau
Princess Anne in MK's Citizens Advice Bureau

Today their hard work was recognised by Princess Anne who visited the Midsummer Boulevard branch of the city-wide charity, of which she has been a patron for 26 years.

While city business leaders gathered at the event, the charity launched its Business Network Plan to secure the future of MK’s CAB - despite the funding problems it faces.

CAB chiefs hope to replenish office equipment with the help local businesses who can donate outgoing computers. They are also looking for professionals to help train their volunteers.

Conservative group leader Edith Bald with Princess Anne

Guests from local charities, local dignitaries, volunteers, and local business leaders, including senior representatives from Home Retail Group, John Lewis, Marks & Spencer, Mercedes-Benz Vans UK, Metrobank, Network Rail, Macmillan and YourCash Europe, were all in attendance.

MK Council dignitaries also turned out for the event, including mayor Keith McLean, chief executive Carole Mills, Lib Dem Group leader Douglas McCall and Councillor Edith Bald, group leader of the Conservatives.

Steve Bridge, Managing Director, Mercedes-Benz Vans UK, said: “The work of Citizens Advice in Milton Keynes has been highlighted by the visit of Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal; I was impressed to see first-hand how the charity supports local people with problems across all areas of life.

“I was particularly interested to learn that Citizens Advice in Milton Keynes works with Macmillan to deal with the day-to-day form filling involved for those affected by cancer.


Conservative group leader Edith Bald with Princess Anne

“It demonstrates a small, unsung part of what this fantastic local charity does.”

Citizens Advice Milton Keynes is an independent local charity, supported by donations and charitable grants.

More than 100 volunteers gave advice on 26,000 individual problems last year.


For more information visit www.miltonkeynescab.org.uk