Smart new kit from Aspley Guise business gives Rangers team a head start

A village dentistry has helped a newly-formed youth football team on the road to success.

Monday, 15th October 2018, 3:30 pm
Updated Monday, 15th October 2018, 3:30 pm
Northlight presentation to Aspley Guise Football Club

Northlight Dental based in Aspley Guise, a clinic with a focus on advanced and specialist treatments, have forged greater links with the community by sponsoring the newly formed Aspley Guise FC Rangers football team.

Northlight owner Dr Sunil Passan handed over the team’s smart new Adidas kit, the first part of the successful local business’ partnership with the local club.

Sunil said: “Since being established in 2010, the practice has built a reputation for providing the highest quality dental treatments, with many local dentists now referring their patients to us for more advanced work.

“We’re well known for our commitment to taking care of nervous patients at the surgery, and children in particular, which is why we’re so happy to be able to support local children’s participation in sport.”

Sunil added: “When we started the business we had to make a choice between running with the crowd in the famous medical streets of London or trying to do something different somewhere else in the country.

“Although not from the area ourselves, we chose Aspley Guise, just south of Milton Keynes, both for its brilliant transport links and the tranquil and relaxing nature of the village which is perfect for the type of dentistry that we excel in, and exactly what our patients need.”