Record number of homeless families in Milton Keynes

More than 1,200 children and their families have been forced into temporary accommodation as Milton Keynes' homeless crisis continues to worsen.

Thursday, 25th May 2017, 10:54 am
Updated Sunday, 4th June 2017, 8:55 pm

A record 773 families are currently deemed homeless in the city – a figure which has increased by nearly 200 since the turn of the year.

However, while the numbers continue to spiral, Labour claim a reduction in the use of bed and breakfasts to temporarily house families from 53 per cent to less than four is ‘good news.’

“Milton Keynes continues to face a huge homelessness challenge and the number in temporary accommodation has grown by 173 households since January,” said deputy lead of MK Council, Councillor Hannah O’Neill.

“But within that terrible story of anguish and hardship for hundreds of families and over 1,200 children is one bit of good news.

“The number in B&B has dropped from over 50 per cent, this is the lowest percentage since 2014.

“When we took over the council the number in B&B stood at 53 per cent.

“I am delighted we have brought it down to four per cent.

“That is still too many and we have to find long term solutions.”

The first part of that solution, Ms O’Neill claims, is the acquisition of nearly 100 council properties in the last year, but she admits the rapidly rising numbers, the council is only ‘scraping the surface’ of the problem.

She continued: “This is good, but the fall in use of bed and breakfasts is only scraping the surface of the problem.”