This is when schools in Milton Keynes will reopen under PM's route out of lockdown roadmap being announced today

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to announce his 'roadmap' out of lockdown today (February 22) starting with the reopening of schools.

ByJames Lowson
Monday, 22nd February 2021, 10:11 am
Updated Monday, 22nd February 2021, 10:14 am

The Prime Minister is set to confirm the reopening of schools on March 8 as the start of his roadmap out of lockdown.

Local discussions at council level at Milton Keynes have discussed the possibility of phased returns to school in MK with 'nothing off the table' at this stage.

As well as schools reopening the government will announce after school sports and activities will also be restarting on March 8.

Schools in Milton Keynes will reopen on March 8 as part of Boris Johnson's roadmap out of lockdown

Mr Johnson is set to announce a route out of lockdown for the nation at 3:30PM today in the House of Commons, before briefing the nation at 7PM.

At this stage it is unclear whether a phased year-by-year return to schools will be administered nationally.

A joint statement from a teachers' union coalition described the idea of all schools reopening in full at the same time as "reckless".

To what extent schools open will depend on Coronavirus infection rates. In his weeklyCoronavirus briefingon Thursday February 18, Milton Keynes Council Leader, Peter Marland, stated MK's infection rate is still higher than it was prior to the second national lockdown.

Schools in Milton Keynes have been remote learning throughout the third national lockdown. Only key worker's children and those without alternative children support are still attending school in person.