Politicians back plans to give holidaymakers access to TV and film services abroad

Plans to give UK holidaymakers access to services such as Netflix, Sky Sports and BBC iPlayer while travelling in Europe were given the go-ahead by MEPs this week.

Holidaymakers could get access to TV and film sites when abroad Holidaymakers could get access to TV and film sites when abroad
Holidaymakers could get access to TV and film sites when abroad

Under the proposal, consumers who buy or subscribe to online content will be able to access it when travelling temporarily abroad anywhere in the EU. This will include TV, film and sports streaming services as well as music and e-books.

The European Parliament voted in favour of the proposal today as part of a broader report on creating a digital single market for online firms, a move which is expected to boost the EU’s economy by £300bn and save the average consumer over £230 a year.

MEPs also supported measures to prevent businesses from unfairly increasing prices when customers buy goods or digital services from another EU country.

Liberal Dem MEP Catherine Bearder said the plans will end the frustration felt by millions of British holidaymakers when they are blocked from accessing online content abroad.

“It is only fair that if you are paying for an online service, you should be able to use it when travelling in another EU country,” she said.

“In the age of the internet, bringing digital content on holiday should be as easy as packing items into your suitcase.

“This is just the first step in a much bigger plan to drive down prices and make it easier for consumers in the EU to buy goods and services online.

“By staying in Europe we can ensure people in Britain reap the full benefits of this proposal.”

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