Police execute warrants as part of Stronghold campaign in Milton Keynes

Thames Valley Police officers have carried out two warrants in Milton Keynes in connection with drug supply.

ByThe Newsroom
Monday, 18th June 2018, 10:18 am
Updated Tuesday, 19th June 2018, 4:53 pm
Friday's warrants were obtained as part of theongoing Stronghold campaign

More than 20 officers carried out searches at two properties in Milton Keynes on Friday, under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

The warrants were obtained as part of the ongoing Stronghold campaign which tackles and addresses the issues presented by serious organised crime. Officers seized an amount of cannabis and a machete. No arrests were made.

Community reassurance patrols were conducted in the area during and after the warrants were executed by the neighbourhood team. Officers updated local residents and responded to questions and concerns from those alarmed by the large police presence.

Chief Inspector John Batty, deputy commander for the Milton Keynes local policing area, said: “Investigations into the recent incidents of violent disorder in the Oxley Park, Crownhill, Westcroft and Bletchley areas, have identified those involved as a small minority of individuals who are known to each other through their involvement in drugs and criminality. These warrants are just one of the ways that we are disrupting drug-associated criminality.

“We will not tolerate those who commit crime and encourage disorder in Milton Keynes. We will continue to respond robustly to such incidents and support our communities until those responsible are brought to justice.

“如果你有any questions or concerns or have any information that may assist with our investigations, please call 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”