Thames Valley Police officer resigns before admitting to possessing extreme pornography

A former Thames Valley Police officer admitted to possessing extreme pornography at a hearing yesterday (18 August).

Former PC, Craig Finch, 38, who was based at St Aldates’ police station, pleaded guilty at High Wycombe Magistrates’ Court.

One day earlier he resigned from the police force, he has since been barred from the organisation.

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He pleaded guilty at High Wycombe Magistrates' Court

The former officer handed in his badge, before appearing at yesterday’s special case misconduct hearing chaired by the Chief Constable John Campbell.

It was determined that Finch’s actions amounted to gross misconduct and had he not already have resigned he would have been dismissed.

The Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 defines extreme pornography as material that is:

严重冒犯,恶心或obscene character

Portrays in an explicit and realistic way any of the following:

An act which threatens a person's life, or An act which results, or is likely to result, in serious injury to a person's anus, breasts or genitals, or An act which involves sexual interference with a human corpse (necrophilia), or A person performing an act of intercourse or oral sex with an animal (whether dead or alive) (bestiality), or An act which involves the non-consensual penetration of a person's vagina, anus or mouth by another with the other person's penis or part of the other person’s body or anything else (rape or assault by penetration)

The hearing was held in private so that the legal proceedings were not prejudiced, Thames Valley Police states.

Finch will be placed on the College of Policing’s barred list.

The 38-year-old has been under investigation since November 2021 when the officer was suspended from duty.

Thames Valley Police’s Deputy Chief Constable Jason Hogg said: “Whenever an officer is accused of breaking the law we will investigate thoroughly and where evidence is found it will be presented to the Crown Prosecution Service.

“It is entirely unacceptable to myself, to the Force, as well as to the public for someone who is supposed to uphold the law and protect others, to have committed such an offence and remain an officer.

“I hope that this conviction and the formal misconduct processes that have taken place demonstrate clearly that we as a police Force, will not tolerate activity that brings the reputation of the service into disrepute.”

Finch will next appear at High Wycombe Magistrate’s Court on 19 September for sentencing.