七个新病例Covid今天在米尔顿凯恩斯,as our hospital is left with just nine Covid patients

Just nine patients with Covid are currently being nursed at MK hospital, compared to more than 200 a couple of months ago.

There have been seven new confirmed cases identified throughout the borough today. This is one more than yesterday (Monday).

MK's seven day infection rate has stayed the same, at 28.6 cases per 100,000 people. The national rate, however, has dropped further to 24.3 while the average forEnglandonly is 23.8.

Nationally, 2,729 people have tested positive over the past 24 hours and there have been 18 Covid-linked deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

Throughout the UK, 33,257,651 people have now received the first dose of Covid vaccine, with 117,909 of these being vaccinated over the past 24 hours. 11,192,601 people have received a second dose, with 416,784 of these being administered in the past 24 hours.

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