Rustlers steal sheep and butcher it by canal in Milton Keynes

The remains of a stolen sheep that has been butchered for its meat has upset canalside walkers in Milton Keynes.

BySally Murrer
Tuesday, 24th September 2019, 6:08 pm
仍然是were found near the canal in Old Wolverton

They are urging police and the Parks Trust to track down the sheep rustler, who stripped the animal of everything but its fleece and left the remains by the canal in Old Wolverton.

The body was found between the Galleon pub and the aqueduct, a couple of minute's walk from a field of sheep.

One walker posted on social media how she had reported the find to police, but claims they were "not interested."

仍然是were found near the canal in Old Wolverton

Another Facebook user said: "This is a big problem. Livestock being poached and in many cases being butchered on site. They don’t even take them away first."

Neighbouring Northampton has seen a huge problem recently with sheep rustling, and this prompted the force to put out a public appeal for information.

Officers are urging people who live and work in rural locations to report anything suspicious they see.

PC Abbey Anstead said: “To find animals have been killed and butchered like this is not only very upsetting for farmers but also has financial repercussions.


“If you see something that strikes you as unusual, out of the ordinary or just a bit ‘off’ please let us know by calling 101 or making a report online. Please don’t worry that it’s a silly or trivial detail, as even a small piece of information may be a vital key that allows us to link other reports and bring those responsible for illegal activity to book."

PC Anstead added: “We also want farmers to be aware that this has been happening. If you suspect someone has attempted to target your animals, or find that you’ve lost livestock in this way, please report it to the police immediately.”

The neighbouring police forces of Warwickshire and Leicestershire have also recently had reports of sheep being illegally butchered in a similar manner.