Postal workers in Milton Keynes to go on strike at peak of Jubilee celebrations

这个星期六邮局工人将引人注目to demand a backdated pay rise for all the work they did during the Covid pandemic.

Members of the the Communications Workers Union atMilton KeynesCrown Post office say they have been left with no other option.

The strike action will disruptPost Officeservices during the Jubilee celebrations, and has been backed nationally by the CWU members on a 97.3% yes vote on a turnout of over 70% of members.

CWU is demanding a pay rise backdated to April 1 2021. They say Post Office bosses are offering the workers nothing for all their hard work during the Covid pandemic,

Postal workers will strike this Saturday Postal workers will strike this Saturday
Postal workers will strike this Saturday

The union’s local representative Tim Pavelin said: “Post Office workers in Milton Keynes were classed as keyworkers and kept the country running. Post Office senior managers are now saying these keyworkers are not worth a pay rise, and have not engaged in any negotiation with the CWU.

"Post Office workers, CWU members, have been left with no option other than to withdraw their labour to get a pay rise.”

He added: “A good employer would have considered shutting on the Saturday of the Jubilee celebrations, to allow their staff to commemorate the event. This shows an employer totally out of touch with its workforce, and a Post Office in crisis.”

The CWU remains committed to talks with Post Office Limited, and hope that the announcement of Satruday’s strike will resonate with POL in commencing negotiations with the CWU to end the deadlock for 2021 pay.

This is the second round of CWU strike action. The first was held on May 3.

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