Vintage and classic cars filled the town on New Year's Day Vintage and classic cars filled the town on New Year's Day
Vintage and classic cars filled the town on New Year's Day

Pictures: Rain failed to dampen spirits at vintage and classic car rally in Milton Keynes town

Hundreds of people turned out to see the cars

Vintage Stony was back with a vengeance on New Year's Day with classic cars all over the town.

After last year's cancellation dur to the Covid pandemic, this was the 12th annual festival.

It saw the Market Square filled with pre-war vintage vehicles and motorcycles, while the High Street and Cofferidge Close housed classics and anything post 1941.

Despite the rain, crowds turned out to admire the cars and enjoy the occasion.

Breakfast butties and hot drinks were provided free to the first 100 drivers of pre-war cars, and this was sponsored by The Crown Inn.

The famous 'One Minute's Noise' took place at 12 noon to welcome in the new year, followed by the presentation of awards.

PhotographerJane Russellwas there to capture the spirit of the event.

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