People with learning difficulties get their own radio show in Milton Keynes

'Snappy Hour' will give them a voice and increase awareness of their world

A new radio show called Snappy Hour is to give a voice to people with learning difficulties inMilton Keynes.

The show, described as heartwarming and inspiring, will be broadcast every Sunday on Secklow 105.5FM between 12 noon and 1pm. It launches in Sunday January 23.

Listeners will be given a glimpse of the world through the hearts and minds of people with learning disabilities who attend the education, skill-building and work preparation charity, MK SNAP.

Learners from MK SNAP Learners from MK SNAP
Learners from MK SNAP

Matt Cove from Secklow 105.5FM hopes Snappy Hour will get a great reception from the listening public on Milton Keynes and be on their right wavelength.

He said the idea behind the project is to provide a voice to those with learning disabilities in mainstream media in order to increase awareness of their thoughts, feelings and situations.”

He added: “It’s been great fun and a great privilege to work with the learners from MK SNAP to make this series. It highlights what they can do, not what they can’t.”

Angela Novell, MK SNAP’s CEO said: “The project is inspirational and exciting for people with learning disabilities."

She added: "It will address the isolation loneliness and build a sense of community and socialisation for so many who have experienced isolation and disconnection through these unprecedented times.

“This project could tackle some of the anxiety, low mood, loss of confidence issues that this pandemic has raised among an already vulnerable community.”

MK SNAP is a charity that unlocks the talents and skills of people with learning disabilities through a leading programme of education, life-skills, work preparation and opportunities for work - giving them the skills and confidence to see their own unique potential.

They offer education and work training for over 120 adults with learning disabilities five days per week all year.

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