Now's the time to have your blood pressure checked in Milton Keynes

One in three people in Milton Keynes have high blood pressure and don't even know it, according to the NHS.

Monday, 9th September 2019, 5:05 pm
Picture: Getty Images
Picture: Getty Images

The figures come as NHS Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group is encouraging people to get their blood pressure checked as part of Know Your Numbers! week that runs until September 15.

Blood Pressure UK is offering free blood pressure measurements at local pressure stations. People can find their nearest station by typing in their post code online at's recommended that all adults over 40 years of age have their blood pressure tested at least every five years so any potential problems can be detected early. People who have already been diagnosed with high or low blood pressure, or at a particularly high risk, may need to have more frequent tests to monitor their blood pressure.

A blood pressure reading only takes approximately five minutes and consists of a stethoscope, arm cuff, pump and dial, although automatic devices that use sensors and have a digital display are also commonly used.

Dr Nicola Smith, chair at NHS Milton Keynes CCG, said “High blood pressure has no symptoms and that’s why we are urging people in the Milton Keynes area to go and get their blood pressure measured. Just five minutes out of their day can make such a difference in preventing more serious conditions such as strokes and heart disease.”

For more information about Know Your Numbers! week and to find the nearest pressure station visit