新的米尔顿凯恩斯工作机构will sponsor disabled students around the world to go to university

MBA student with cerebral palsy understands challenges of overseas study

A new international recruitment agency inMilton Keyneswill pay some of its commission to disabled students around the world to encourage them to apply for university.

Zikang Li, 25, who has just completed an MBA at theUniversity of Buckingham, started the business partly because he has cerebral palsy and appreciates the challenges of studying a degree in a different country.

Panda Education Consultation, based atWolverton, will make scholarship payments directly to the recruited disabled students once they have finished their first term on campus.

Zikang Li with Prof James Tooley at the University of Buckingham Zikang Li with Prof James Tooley at the University of Buckingham
Zikang Li with Prof James Tooley at the University of Buckingham

Zikang, who is fromChina, is moving toLondonto further develop a website called Platform Disability Forum, which helps disabled people with entrepreneurship and job hunting, as well as flagging up educational opportunities for people with disabilities.

He will work with a group of other consultants on that project.

He said: "I have travelled to more than 10 countries around the world and studied in three - England, Ireland and Canada.

“I wanted a place that could give me highly personal care and lots of help. That place was the University of Buckingham. It did this.

“The reason for me to establish this scholarship is that I want to hold an umbrella for someone when they are in the rain, as that is what has been done for me at Buckingham.”

Vice chancellor Prof James Tooley said: "These are great initiatives. Zikang has done brilliantly to get the scholarship set up while doing his MBA at Buckingham. We are all very proud of what he has achieved."