More medical support is launched for hundreds of people in Milton Keynes suffering with 'long Covid'

It is estimated 6% of the population have been left with symptoms such as fatigue, chest pain, 'brain fog' and breathing difficulties

Milton Keyneshealth bosses have been awarded additional funding for a medical service to support people suffering with long Covid.

The special Post Covid Assessment Service (PCAS) is located at Whaddon Way Medical Centre in Bletchley.

It is run by the NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) Integrated Care System (ICS) and already around 20 to 30 people per week are being referred to it.

It's estimated that 6% of the population have long Covid It's estimated that 6% of the population have long Covid
It's estimated that 6% of the population have long Covid

The terms ‘post Covid-19 syndrome’ or ‘long Covid’ are given to people who have symptoms lasting at least 12 weeks after the original infection. Common symptoms include problems with breathing, ongoing fatigue with “brain fog” and heart symptoms such as palpitations and chest pain.

It is estimated that over two million people, almost 6% of the population across the UK, have experienced long Covid.

Dr Andrew Potter, GP at Whaddon Medical Centre, said: “We have seen a variety of patients, from all over BLMK, with life changing symptoms after Covid.

"It continues to have a considerable impact on people’s day to day lives."

Dr Potter added: "We have built an experienced team of expert clinicians to help treat and guide your recovery. Since the service launched, we have treated over 750 people in BLMK. It’s vital that residents talk to their GP if they are worried that they are experiencing long Covid so they can be referred to us.

"We’re here to help you.”

Patients have found the PCAS has helped with managing their symptoms, say BLMK..

The additional funding will now help to increase the capacity of the service, the majority will be spent on staffing including GPs, nurses, physiotherapists, an occupational therapist and improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT).

To access the service, speak to your GP so you can be referred.

More information on PCAS ishere.