Milton Keynes mum who suffered undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy raises cash for charity that helped her cope

Jessica suffered PTSD afterwards

A mum who almost lost her life due to an ectopic pregnancy is taking to the skies to raise cash for the charity that helped her through her ordeal.

Jessica Trim was more than three months pregnant before doctors discovered the baby was growing in her fallopian tube instead of her womb, causing the tube to rupture.

"It was something which very nearly cost me my life... A few hours more and the outcome would have been very different,” she said.

Jessica Trim is raising money for mental health charity Mind Jessica Trim is raising money for mental health charity Mind
Jessica Trim is raising money for mental health charity Mind

In the UK, one in 90 pregnancies (just over 1%) is an ectopic. In a few cases, an ectopic pregnancy can grow large enough to split open the fallopian tube. This rupture is very serious and surgery needs to be as soon as possible.

Sadly, ectopic pregnancies sadly cannot be saved and Jessica lost her baby as well as her fallopian tube.

"Later, I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD and began having support,” she said. “I cannot believe, looking back now, that this was my story, but the resilience that I have developed since is life changing - and it's all thanks to the support frommental health charity Mind, acute care and my family and friends.”

In August, Jessica is planning to do a skydive to raise money for Mind. She has set up afundraising pagewith the aim of reaching £450.

She said: “On the skydive I will be remembering the day of my surgery, the loss of my baby and my fallopian tube, but more importantly the journey which I have been on ever since.”

A single mum, Jessica has a nine-year-old son who has helped her on various activities to raise awareness of mental health and loss of babies.

"Last month, we walked 100k over the month in support ofSANDS charity, and my son even delivered a whole school assembly by himself, talking about our angel baby,” she said.

Meanwhile Jessica, who has a Masters in Psychology, works as Course Team Leader at MK College and supports mental health

“I have been passionate about supporting mental health since I was young as my mum has a diagnoses of Bipolar and Borderline Personality Disorder - as a result, my childhood was quite disjointed and over the years I too have struggled.”

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