Milton Keynes football legend may never walk again after pins and needles led to shock diagnosis

The 29-year-old is the subject of a massive fundraising campaign by his friends

A 29-year-old previously fit and healthy footballer has been left with lack of sensation from the waist down after it was discovered he had a tumour on his spine.

Aaron Murray played for Old Bradwell United Football Club (OBUFC), where he’s described by all who know him as “a legend”.

He had been struggling with a bad back for a couple of months last year and thought he had inured it. But one day he started suffering pins and needles in his feet and the sensation spread all the way up his legs.

Aaron Murray with his teammates before his illness struck Aaron Murray with his teammates before his illness struck
Aaron Murray with his teammates before his illness struck

Doctorsdiagnosed a trapped nerve at first and prescribed painkillers. But soon events took a grim turn.

“A few days later my legs just gave up on me and I collapsed to the floor,” said Aaron, who lives on Galley Hill.

He went to A&E and was given multiple MRI scans, which eventually found the problem.

"I had a tumour on my spinal cord, which was putting pressure on it, resulting in my nerves and muscles giving up in my legs and loss of sensation from my nipples down,” he said.

Aaron Murray with his friends Aaron Murray with his friends
Aaron Murray with his friends

Aaron underwent surgery to remove the tumour and a biopsy revealed it was cancerous. He has had radiotherapy and is currently undergoing chemo and intense physio.

He needs constant care and his mum Tracey has given up work to look after him. Friends have also rallied round to give their support.

One friend, Devlin Keene, and her mum Clare, last week organised a massive charity fun day and OBUFC football match at Bradwell Sports and Social Club to raise money to help the family.

They have also set up a specialGoFundMe page, which, thanks to the fun day, has already exceeded its £1,000 goal by a whopping £5,000.

Aaron was a previously fit and healthy football player before his cancer diagnosis Aaron was a previously fit and healthy football player before his cancer diagnosis
Aaron was a previously fit and healthy football player before his cancer diagnosis

"My dad used to coach Aaron at football. We wanted to do something to help because he’s such a great guy. Everyone calls him ‘the legend’ here ”, said Devlin.

"Doctors say the cancer is treatable but not curable but it’s unlikely that Aaron will walk again,” she said.

"His spirit and determination to beat this awful disease has inspired all his family and his many friends, who have shown him such love and support, despite several setbacks.

“然而,金融支fications of his situation, his devoted mum Tracey’s nursing, meaning she can no longer work and the specialist travel costs to appointments and treatment are taking their toll.

“We wanted to make special day for him and his family and raise money to support this exceptionally brave man.”

Aaron, who is known as Muzza to his friends and former teammates, wheeled himself onto the pitch in his wheelchair, carrying the ball to start the game.

“I’ll never wear the boots on that pitch again but memories last a lifetime for me at the club with players from past and present, which I will cherish,” he said. “I thank you all with my heart.”

You can donate to the fundraising pagehere.

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