b米尔顿凯恩斯作者提交自己的城市地位id as part of Queen's Platinum Jubilee

Bid addressed directly to the Queen receives 'positive response' from Buckingham Palace

Milton Keynesis set to compete with 38 other towns for city status as part of theQueen's 2022 Platinum Jubilee 2022.

But whileMilton Keynes Councilhas submitted its fourth bid for city status, using a delivery robot to send the documents, a writer from Bletchley has put together his own bid which has received a 'positive response from Buckingham Palace'.

Max Robinson's City Charter for Milton Keynes bid, is addressed directly to the Queen. It states: "I was myself present at your coronation. Not at Westminster Abbey of course but waving my flag along the procession route; too young to actually remember I am told that your carriage passed directly in front of me.

Max Robinson's City Charter for Milton Keynes bid, is addressed directly to the Queen Max Robinson's City Charter for Milton Keynes bid, is addressed directly to the Queen
Max Robinson's City Charter for Milton Keynes bid, is addressed directly to the Queen

"I lived in Birmingham but had gone down to London with my parents to join the celebration and support our monarch.

"Part of Your Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration will be to award a city charter to a town within your realm. Milton Keynes Council has submitted a formal request for our borough to be considered.

"While I support this application fully it comes from the political management of Milton Keynes, I believe the heart of any application needs to reflect the people. Writing is a hobby of mine, has been since I was a teenager, and over the past three decades I have written quite prolifically about the New City of Milton Keynes, most notably 'Milton Keynes The City That Never Was'.

"I have gathered together some of my writing which I would be honoured if you would consider towards possibly awarding Milton Keynes city status."

Examples of his work include excerpts from his book, In search of the Leons, a tome published in 1991 about reuniting The Leon Family with its ancestral home in Bletchley Park.

Also featured are excerpts from his 1994 book 'Not the Concrete Cows', which has also been republished on Amazon together with its sequel Milton Dreams The City That Never Was, a book dedicated to former Prime Minister Sir Harold Wilson.

Added Mr Robinson: "With the prospect of Milton Keynes perhaps being awarded a city charter within the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee I tried and failed to engage with Milton Keynes Council to support a bid using my writing over the past 30 years. I, therefore, made my own personal presentation which received a very positive response from Buckingham Palace."

The civic honour will be granted to a number of towns for The Queen's Platinum Jubilee later this year.

Milton Keynes applied for city status in 2000 for the millennium, in 2002 for the Golden Jubilee and in 2012 for the Diamond Jubilee.