Meet Ted, the 93-year-old Milton Keynes champ who's the oldest powerlifter in the UK

The great grandad is still winning competitions

A 93-year-old great grandad who can lift his own bodyweight has been hailed an inspiration in the powerlifting world.

Ted Brown from Bletchley has a string of world titles under his belt and trains daily at his gym in his garage so he can still compete in the sport.

And, as the oldest powerlifter in the UK, he still has has a physique that would put many 20-year-olds to shame!

Ted Brown is still a champion powerlifter at the age of 93 and trains daily at his Milton Keynes home Ted Brown is still a champion powerlifter at the age of 93 and trains daily at his Milton Keynes home
Ted Brown is still a champion powerlifter at the age of 93 and trains daily at his Milton Keynes home

When he’s not competing as a Masters 6 lifter, Ted is a national referee for theBritish Powerliftingorganisation. This month they presented him with a lifetime achievement award for his dedication over the years.

A British Powerlifting spokesman said: “Ted entered and won his first competition in 1970. 12 years later he became World Champion, breaking four world records - the first of seven world titles and three European titles in Masters 2 and 3 between 1982-1995.

Ted is still very active within the sport... His philosophy in life is ‘Do what you can while you can, as there will come a time when you can’t.’ Something we can all apply to our lifting careers!”

Powerlifting is a type of weightlifting that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Ted, who is just 5ft 6in tall, holds the British records for 180kg squat lift, 120kg bench press and 200kg to 500kg deadliftHe has a fully equipped gym in his garage, which he uses daily and still visits a regular gym.

Ted shows off his impressive physique in his younger days Ted shows off his impressive physique in his younger days
Ted shows off his impressive physique in his younger days

A former postman, he began powerlifting 43 years ago, when he was in his forties. He doesn’t drink or smoke and swears by his healthy lifestyle.

However, when he reached 70, Ted had a triple heart bypass and how has a pacemaker fitted. Later he needed a new hip.

None of these setbacks stopped his passion for powerlifting though, and he was back in the gym at the earliest opportunity each time after surgery.

"I shall carry on as long as I can," he vows. "It's part and parcel of my life."

When Ted is not powerlifting, he enjoys nothing more than a spot of coarse fishing and is a veteran member ofMK Angling Association.

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