买礼物和满足一些令人惊异的狗at Aylesbury Vale charity's Christmas Fayre

Fun event will help raise funds to train more life-saving Medical Detection Dogs

There's a chance to do a bit of Christmas shopping and meet some life-changing canines, at the Medical Detection Dogs Christmas Fayre.

The Great Horwood-based charity carries out groundbreaking research to improve early diagnosis of cancer and other diseases, using trained Bio Detection Dogs and their amazing sense of smell.

It also trains Medical Alert Assistance Dogs to support people with life-threatening health conditions, saving their lives on a daily basis and keeping them out of hospital.

Medical Detection Dog Gunner Medical Detection Dog Gunner
Medical Detection Dog Gunner

As well as shopping for crafts and gifts at the Christmas Fayre on Friday, November 26, visitors will be able to enjoy food, drink and entertainment.

The event takes place from 4pm to 8pm at the charity's headquarters - Greenway Business Park, Great Horwood, MK17 0NP.

There will be a chance to meet some of the talented dogs, and shoppers will be helping to raise money to train more life-saving noses.

To find out more about Medical Detection Dogs, see www.medicaldetectiondogs.org.uk

Medical Detection Dog Presley Medical Detection Dog Presley
Medical Detection Dog Presley
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