Massive new housing development will cause traffic chaos on Milton Keynes roads, says parish council

The development could ultimately include 5,500 new homes

A parish council has confirmed its long-standing opposition to the development of Salden Chase on the doorstep ofMilton Keynes.

Outline planning permission has now been granted byBuckinghamshire Councilfor 1855 houses on the borders of Bletchley. This is likely to be the first of three phases, with ultimately more than 5500 new homes being built.

West Bletchley Parish Council has consistently opposed the plan, saying it will put undue pressure on local roads and has "huge implications and costs" for the people and services of West Bletchley

Salden Chase Salden Chase
Salden Chase

This week the parish councillors unanimously agreed to lodge their "deep concern" that the permission has been granted.

The Labour-led council is demanding support for a Southern by-pass to be built to prevent traffic problems in Bletchley arising from the large new population.

但问题是,资金是必需的。虽然the developer has put land aside for a by-pass, government funding is needed to make the plan a reality..

The council is also calling for a new primary school to be built, along with a new GP practice or funding to extend Bletchley's existing Whaddon House surgery.

Cllr Nigel Long Cllr Nigel Long
Cllr Nigel Long

Bletchley resident and parish councillor Nigel Long said, “We have long opposed Salden Chase. This is another unplanned development on the borders of Bletchley. The problem is that local residents andMilton Keynes Councilpick up the bill for services. But the neighbouring Tory-run Buckinghamshire Council will pocket the Council tax income.”

Parish councillors are worried the new development will push huge numbers of cars onto the already over-crowed Buckingham Road and the busy A421.(H8). They are also concerned the new development will create a new road link between Chepstow Drive and Salden Chase via Hamilton Lane.

Cllr Long said: “The traffic problems will be huge. That is why over the last 10 years we have consistently argued for a southern by pass. We persuaded the developer to leave space for such a road. Now we need the government to fund it.”

He added: “There is a real danger that a new access to the Salden Chase development via Hamilton Lane will be created, especially as it is next to the new secondary school development. This would mean large traffic flows through the Racecourses residential area.”

The parish council has agreed to request that any development does not use Hamilton Lane for works vehicles.

Cllr Long said: “We have opposed the Salden Chase development for many years. But Buckinghamshire Council has given outline planning approval despite massive local opposition. This highlights they are putting money before the needs of West Bletchley residents.”.