Keyworkers to be offered high quality homes at discounted rents in Milton Keynes

The apartments are at the new Campbell Wharf development

A new scheme is offering high quality homes at discounted rents for key and essential workers in MK.

Man Global Privat Markets (Man GPM) has purchased 79 apartments at MKDP and Crest Nicholson’sCampbell Wharfdevelopment in Campbell Park.

The homes will be offered at discounted rent and with a focus on key and essential workers, ensuring they have access to high quality housing within easy reach of their workplaces.

The Campbell Wharf apartments The Campbell Wharf apartments
The Campbell Wharf apartments

MKDP Property Development Director Matthew Green said: “Campbell Wharf is MK’s most prestigious residential development and this initiative by Man to provide high-quality, affordable housing specifically for key workers gives a welcome addition to the new community."

Ian Jackson, Investment Director, Community Housing at Man GPM, said: “We are delighted to be building on our partnership with Crest Nicholson through this investment, which will deliver discount rented homes for the local community inMilton Keyneswithin a truly exceptional scheme.”

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