John Lewis helps Milton Keynes charity fund project for street children in Delhi

The John Lewis Foundation is set to once again change the lives of hundreds of children living and working on the streets of Delhi after committing £121,438 to Milton Keynes-based charity, Toybox.

Friday, 13th September 2019, 10:55 am
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A three-year project in North East Delhi will be funded by the generous donation which will support 500 children in accessing formal and informal education, giving them the chance of a future free of child labour and exploitation.

It is the third year that the John Lewis Foundation has partnered with Toybox and together they share the ethos that if you educate a child, they will in turn educate their children and so the legacy continues. It is hoped that the work carried out over the next three years will therefore not only have a significant impact today, but also for many generations to come.

Toybox CEO Lynne Morris, said: “We are delighted to once again be partnering with the John Lewis Foundation. Its support over the last two years, and over the next three years, has and will transform the lives of hundreds of street children.

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“They are a great funder who are really interested in the lives of these children and the deep impact they can have.”

Miranda Spottiswoode, Partner & Programme Coordinator for the John Lewis Foundation, said: “Contributing to the wellbeing of communities in which we operate is our foremost priority. Our shared vision with Toybox is one of empowerment and improving lives and futures.

“Providing the children of North-East Delhi with opportunities to access education and schools will benefit their local communities and will allow those children to acquire the necessary knowledge to improve their future employment prospects.”

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