Free Covid-19 rapid testing now available to everyone over the age of 16 in Milton Keynes

Anybody over the age of 16 can now pop into Central Milton Keynes library for a free rapid Covid test.

The results will be available within just 45 minutes.

Alternatively, people can go to the library to collect up for 14 free lateral flow tests to be carried out at home. There's no need to book, show ID or register - you can just ask a member of staff.

The purpose of widespread testing to to break the chain of Covid transmission in people who are infected with the virus but show no symptoms.

Free rapid result tests are available Free rapid result tests are available
Free rapid result tests are available

大约有三分之一的人没有任何症状uld be spreading the disease without knowing it, says MK Council

"Regular testing is important to help find more of these cases", said a spokesman.

The library test centre, which is next to the Civic Offices, is open weekdays from 9.30am to 4.30pm. It stays open later on Thursdays until 7pm.

Nobody with symptoms of Covid can be tested at this site.

"Instead, anyone with one or more of these symptoms – a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – should book a test at or by calling 119," said the council spokesman.

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