委员会要求居民在米尔顿凯恩斯to grow plants and veg on their roofs

Green roofs boost biodiversity, they say

MK City Council is encouraging people all over the city to grow plants and veg of their roofs.

Green roofs boost biodiversity, reduce C02 emissions and extending the roof’s lifespan by up to three times, they say.

Following a visit of one of MK’s highest green roofs, councillors now want to see the idea spread to as many unused rooftops as possbile,

Councillors visit the green roof on the YMCA building at Central Milton Keynes Councillors visit the green roof on the YMCA building at Central Milton Keynes
Councillors visit the green roof on the YMCA building at Central Milton Keynes

They joined living roof specialists Bridgman & Bridgman for a tour of the Green Roof Project, which is based above the YMCA in Central Milton Keynes.

The ‘live lab’ spans across 500 square metres. It has sedum plants and wildflowers, produces fruit and vegetables, and is home to over 200,000 bees. It also has solar panels and its drainage layers retain rainwater to reduce the risk of flooding.

Labour’s CMK Ward Councillors Moriah Priestley and Martin Petchey said: “The Green Roof project is a key pillar of CMK and an asset to the community. During our recent visit, we learnt how the project is having such a positive impact on the environment and local area. It’s a great initiative and we hope to see more green roofs across MK.”

The councillors are now calling for businesses to ‘green’ their roofs, and highlighting how households can do the same by greening bin stores, sheds and other smaller structures.

Benefits of green roofs include:

CO2 reduction – 1m2 of a green roof can absorb approx. 5 kg of CO2 each year

Extending the roof’s lifespan by up to 3 times

Air temperature reduction by up to 3 degrees centigrade

Keeping buildings warmer in winter and cooler in summer

Green roofs provide safe, secure and protected habitats and environments for wildlife

They also create green jobs - the Green Roof Project has created traineeships, kickstart placements and work experience placements

Councillor Jenny Wilson-Marklew, Cabinet member for Climate and Sustainability, said: “Green roofs have proven vital in boosting biodiversity and they help us strive towards our sustainability targets. We’re committed to making Milton Keynes the greenest city in the world and green roofs will play a key part in helping us get there.”