Clever local creators and makers now have an official 'Made in Milton Keynes' logo to display on their products

They can download the digital file for free or buy stickers at low cost

MK’s army of clever creators and makers can now use a special ‘Proudly made in Milton Keynes’ logo to display on their products.

The design is available to download digitally for free or stickers can be bought at a bargain price.

The logo, the first of its kind locally, was the brainchild of talentedcity photographer Gill Prince, who hopes it will help showcase the wealth of talent in MK.

Anything made in Milton Keynes can now proudly display this official logo Anything made in Milton Keynes can now proudly display this official logo
Anything made in Milton Keynes can now proudly display this official logo

She said: “Recently, quite by accident, I came across a brilliant initiative that was started by Stockport-basedAqua Design Group. The project came about after the owner, Dylan Moore, identified there was no way for local artists, artisans and makers to demonstrate that their products were made in the town.

"Sohe developed a ‘Made in Stockport’ logousing the iconic Stockport Viaduct as the main element of the design - a logo which is now used by numerous businesses in the town.”

Gill discovered many more ‘made in’ logos were available for other towns and cities – but there was none for Milton Keynes.

“As a local photographer who loves MK, I could immediate see how something like this could be beneficial for many different types of creative and craft-based businesses - in fact any business that ‘makes’ something in the city.

"Not only that, but it’s also a great opportunity to promote Milton Keynes makers to a wider audience.”

Gill contacted Dylan and together they developed a logo specially to sum up our city.

"I chose the Light Pyramid in Campbell Park as I believe it’s a very iconic and recognisable symbol in MK... I also then suggested adding the smaller details left and right, to acknowledge the roundabouts that our city is still so famous for,” she said.

The digital version of the logo is available for anyone to use free of charge. If you would like a set of JPEG and PNG files, please contact Dylan on[email protected].

"He also sells a variety of #MadeIn products and stickers at very reasonable prices,” said Gill.

She plans to use the logo on her prints and is encouraging other small businesses in MK to do the same.

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