Chance for people to buy affordable art at unique exhibition in Milton Keynes

The exhibition will showcase 'hidden gem' works by local artists

AMilton Keynescharity is launching an affordable art exhibition to showcase the work of talented local artists’ work.

The Westbury Arts Centre is staging the exhibition at The Grumpy Cook Café in Loughton, where the blank walls will hold dozens of painting up for sale.

The event has been made possible thanks to a grant from local Labour ward councillor Zoe Nolan, who initiated the project in 2021 and contributed £500 of her Covid ward grant to the decade-old charity.

Cllr Zoe Nolan (right) with some of the artwork Cllr Zoe Nolan (right) with some of the artwork
Cllr Zoe Nolan (right) with some of the artwork

She said: “Westbury Arts Centre produces the most beautiful art, all created by local artists. It is a hidden gem that many people may not know about, so this exhibition will introduce the talent to wider audiences. The past two years have severely impacted local charities, so I’m pleased my ward grant will provide some stability for the centre and their artists.”

Westbury Arts Centre installed a variety of artwork into the Grumpy Cook Café in December, making way for a ‘rolling exhibition’ of work for residents to purchase and enjoy.

The centre's chair Jane Herriman said: “Westbury has always welcomed the community to our Arts Centre; we’re open most days of the year in our Grade 2-listed building in Shenley Wood, which is home to 19 studio holders. This project was initiated by Zoe and we very much welcome the opportunity to bring our art into the more of the community in this way.”

The Grumpy Cook Café, an independently run eatery, was chosen for the exhibition due to its tall ceiling and blank walls that can be transformed by art.

Councillor Nolan said: “I have worked closely with the teams at Westbury and The Grumpy Cook from start to finish, and look forward to seeing this exhibition be a success. This fantastic project will help bring more business to The Grumpy Cook Café while supporting local artists, and provide joy to residents at a time when many of us need it.”

Westbury Arts Centre has been a home for artists since 1992 and a charity since 2012. Once home to Boyd and Evans, Ed Durdey, Robert Koenig and other members of the Silbury Group, it now has 19 studio-holders who practice a wide variety of art forms including water colours, oils, stone, textiles and ceramics.

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