Can people power stop a major grid road being built through these estates in Milton Keynes?

Residents are determined to get the road diverted
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Residentsare determined to win a David and Goliath battle to stop a grid road being built through their cherished green space.

The road would be an extension of the busy H6 Child Way and it is an integral part of plans to build anew mini estate called Shenley Parkwith more than 1000 homes on a site betweenMilton Keynesand Whaddon.

The estate would be served by a new stretch of grid road running straight through Kingsmead Green, a chunk of green space next to Oxley Park and Kingsmead estates.

MP Iain Stewart and Cllr Shazna Muzammil  are backing the protest from Kingsmead and Oxley Park residents to stop the H6 extension from being built across their green space in MK MP Iain Stewart and Cllr Shazna Muzammil  are backing the protest from Kingsmead and Oxley Park residents to stop the H6 extension from being built across their green space in MK
MP Iain Stewart and Cllr Shazna Muzammil are backing the protest from Kingsmead and Oxley Park residents to stop the H6 extension from being built across their green space in MK

The project falls under Buckinghamshire Council instead of Milton Keynes and it has already been allocated for development in the adopted Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan.

This means the MK residents have no power to object to the new homes – but they are hoping that the sheer force of people power can divert the road.

A protest group calledSave Kingsmead Green - STOP H6 Extensionhas been formed and it’s backed by Conservative councillors in Milton Keynes and even MK South MP Iain Stewart, who aptly is chair of the Common’s Transport Committee.

This Sunday protestors are gathering on the Green for a mass photo at 3pm to demonstrate the strength of the local objection. Any interested parties are invited.

They say the new road would cause major traffic issues, funneling funneling cars from over 1000 new homes into an already congested area during peak hours.

Ward councillor Shazna Muzammil said: “Moreover, the road will come by plowing through a cherished green space that residents hold dear, the only green space for residents to use. We need more green spaces, not take it all away.

“The strain on local GP surgeries is already palpable, and this development would push them to the brink, making it even harder for us to secure timely doctor's appointments for our families.”

It is estimated that the road would increase eastbound traffic between Oxley Park and Kingsmead by a massive 903% during the morning hours. This will have a “devastating” impact on the community, said Cllr Muzammil.

She added: “Residents and their children have used Kingsmead Green as a safe location for recreation and family get-togethers…Kingsmead Green is more than just a plot of land; it is the heart of our resident community.

"From celebrating the Queen's jubilee to our children playing securely, this green space contains innumerable fond memories. Many locals are frustrated because the Shenley Park development across the border intends to use this green as a through route."

Protesters also want to raise awareness that the Shenley Park development comes on top of other expansions, such asSalden Chase,where 1,800 new homes will be built between Bletchley and Newton Longville.

“This which will further aggravate congestion in Milton Keynes if suitable infrastructure is not planned for,” said Cllr Muzammil. “Furthermore, putting residences near grid roads is against established policy.“We are committed not to lose any more green places, which are essential for our physical and emotional health.”

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