Boy, 13, in mental health 'crisis' was saved by Milton Keynes services

The youngster was taken to A&E in a suicidal state

MK mental health services have described how they helped a young teenage boy who was in crisis.

They have released the case study of the 13 year boy to demonstrate how a "fuller, complementary approach" from theNHSand the third sector brought about a good result.

The boy – referred to as A – has Autistic Spectrum Disorder, learning disability and developmental delay, says the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL), which runs mental health services in MK.

The boy was helped by MK mental health services. Photo: Engage The boy was helped by MK mental health services. Photo: Engage
The boy was helped by MK mental health services. Photo: Engage

"Compounded by difficulties at school, he was taken to A&E in a suicidal crisis; he felt overwhelmed with negative emotional pain," said a spokesman.

”,而不是把他变成一个NHS的专家patient Unit, he was safely supported at home and has worked with Engage and the NHS with a remarkable – and inspiring result," he said.

He is now much better; with no further crisis or thoughts of self harm or suicide.

Engage gave him the opportunity to build his confidence, social skills and emotional resilience, with sensory equipment and other tools to keep him calm

"This stabilisation meant professionals were able to give him a good support package, and he is now thriving," said the CNWL spokesman.

Allie Carr, Service Manager for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) inMilton Keynes, said: “I wanted to share this, it’s about the work of Sarah Jackson, our Transforming Care Keyworker, working in collaboration with members of the Engage service. It’s really good news about one young person from our service and the impact that collaborative working has had for him and his family.”

Engage is an advanced inclusion programme operating under the Northampton Saints Foundation. It has a hub in Milton Keynes work with students aged between 10 and 16 who are struggling within education. The programme is designed to increase confidence and boost self-esteem.

Sarah Jackson said: “As Transforming Care Keyworker sat within CAMHS it has been amazing to be able to collaborate with Engage around this young person and at such a fast pace so he had the support he needed.

“Transforming Care is for young people with ASD/LD who also have mental health problems or challenging behaviour to ensure they have support and provision in the community to keep them well and prevent admission to hospital.

“Being able to work with the Engage team around these complex young people building individualised bespoke support around them is transforming young people’s lives. All of the young people I have referred to Engage have had no further crisis presentations.

Harry James, Engage Lead, said: “Our work within Milton Keynes alongside Sarah from Transforming Care and CAMHS works with students linked to the more medical side of things, whether they are on the risk of admission to hospital or have recently left a unit, or are also working with CAMHS at a lower level and struggle more within a school setting.

“We work alongside schools and other services to provide young people with new life skills and opportunities, to highlight that these young people will always get a second chance and helping them to realise this."

He added: “We are massively pleased with the collaboration between services as it has made the whole process of taking on a student and helping them move forwards in life as smooth as can be – the work of Sarah and Alli’s team and communication between us all has meant that this young person in particular as well as others has had new opportunities to show their potential in life.

"We are looking to open up our second hub within Milton Keynes due to the demand, and to be able to support more young people in this area."

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