Another 314 Covid cases in Milton Keynes today - and at least four of them are the Omicron variant

Our case rate is now one of the highest in the UK

Milton Keynes' Covid case rate has shot up to one of the highest in the UK as another 314 people have tested positive over the past 24 hours.

Four cases of Omicronhave been also detected in the borough and more suspected cases are currently being analysed.

MK's case rate (the number of cases per 100,000 population) has today risen to 705, which is significantly above the current national average of 495.8.

314 Covid cases in Milton Keynes today 314 Covid cases in Milton Keynes today
314 Covid cases in Milton Keynes today

Nationally, there were 50,867 positive Covid tests over the past 24 hours and 148 virus-linked deaths have been recorded. One of those deaths, recorded over the past 24 hours, was in Milton Keynes.

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