A Bond for life as Milton Keynes couple celebrate an amazing 81 years of marriage

They're aged 102 and 100 respectively

AMilton Keynescouple are celebrating an incredible 81 years of happy marriage.

Ron and Joyce Bond's milestone is so rare that there's not even a name for it, though an 80 year wedding anniversary is called Oak.

Yet ironically, on their wedding day during the war, cynics predicted their marriage would not last for long!

Ron and Joyce Bond attribute their success to a little bit of give and take Ron and Joyce Bond attribute their success to a little bit of give and take
Ron and Joyce Bond attribute their success to a little bit of give and take

Ron is 102 and Joyce is 100 and they live at ExtraCare’s Shenley Wood Retirement Village. They began their anniversary morning with a radio congratulations from Ken Bruce requested by their son Bill.

The pair were married in 1941 Newport Pagnell Registry Office, on a day where there was three inches of snow. Joyce was 19 and Ron was 21.

Joyce recalls: "There were queues of couples as Ron’s section were all being sent abroad to assist with the war effort.

Their daughter Eileen said: "It was said of them at the time of their wedding, it would not last long. How wrong did folks get that?”

Ron and Joyce Bond have been married for 81 years Ron and Joyce Bond have been married for 81 years
Ron and Joyce Bond have been married for 81 years

When asked if it was was love at first sight for them, Ron and Joyce both give was a unanimous ‘yes’ without hesitation.

The couple met in Bletchley. Ron was born in South Wales, while Joyce was born in Bow Brickhill in Bletchley. They went on to have two children, Eileen and Bill.

Ron worked at the Shell garage in Bletchley before retiring while Joyce worked at the local Woolworths in Queensway.

The couple attribute their successful marriage to "a little bit of give and take" and looking after each other

Last year, on their 80th anniversary, the couple were proud to receive congratulations from the Queen Last year, on their 80th anniversary, the couple were proud to receive congratulations from the Queen
Last year, on their 80th anniversary, the couple were proud to receive congratulations from the Queen

Joyce believes they are evenly matched in the relationship. She said: “We never expected to reach 81 years of marriage, we know we are very fortunate to have achieved this amazing goal. It feels excellent! There is no boss in our relationship, we both give and take.”

Ron said: "Sometimes life is hard but we work through it together. We look after each other too.”

Daughter Eileen said: “My parents are a truly inspiration couple, not only to my brother and I but to their grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren."

She added: "There was always a warm welcome and lots of love for all. Dad worked hard to provide for the family, while mum worked hard at keeping our home and us clean and tidy.

"You only have to spend time with them to know they love and care for each other, even after 81 years of being married."

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