Console Corner: Christmas has come early for gamers

Christmas is coming early for next gen gamers if the November games line-up is anything to go by.

Assassins Creed Unity and Far Cry 4 are just two big titles out this month

That’s because a raft of top titles are slated to hit the shelves before December starting this week with Call of Duty: 
Advanced Warfare on both Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

The latest COD, which was released on Monday, takes us to the far future, 2054 to be exact. Sledgehammer games take current technology and projects that is used today, and amps it up for some fast paced futuristic combat.

Pre-orders are way down for the latest in this huge franchise but early reviews from across the pond have been great.

Just a week later the next instalment of another massive hit franchise, Assassin’s Creed Unity, is out on November 11.

Unity will take players to the French Revolution, where they will step into the shoes of Arno to carry out assassinations. Buildings are to scale, meaning those suffering from vertigo might have a tough time climbing in Unity.

On the same day, exclusively to the Xbox One, comes Halo: The Master Chief Collection, which aims to deliver the entire story of the Master Chief for the first time on one console.

All four games will run with Xbox One visual fidelity and at 60fps and includes a fully remastered Halo 2: 

Pro Evo Soccer 2015, FIFA 15’s only true rival, is out next Thursday (November 13) on both consoles and boasts an increased number of players that look and play like their real-life counterparts.

Another big one for next gen gamers who made the step up at console launch (and therefore didn’t play it on the old machine) will want to get Grand Theft Auto V on November 18 as it is looking better and playing just as brilliantly as always.

On the same day another big hitter, Far Cry 4 is out and you’ll be taking the fight to the fictional mountains of Kyrat with the added bonus of co-op play. That’s not all, though, as PS4 gamers will exclusively see puzzle favourite Little Big Planet 3 launch on the same day.