
工人在Bucks are being urged to leave their desks and walk a mile – in aid of their health and the British Heart Foundation.
Midday Mile editorial image Midday Mile editorial image
Midday Mile editorial image

Leap, the sport and activity partnership across the county is encouraging everyone to join in its ‘Midday Mile’ initiative on Wednesday May 20 at noon, as part of a national challenge.

Leap’s marketing officer Kirsty Ingham said: “Most office workers spend more than six hours a day sat down at their desks and all the evidence shows that this is simply not healthy.

“In addition, it’s not good for companies either because research shows that not taking a lunch break makes us less productive.

“Working flat out through the day makes you sluggish and slows down your output.”

The Midday Mile challenge can be adapted if workers want to cycle, run or swim and Leap is hoping that the event will be popular enough that office staff will make lunchtime exercise a regular habit.

Miss Ingham said: “Although we want people to complete the mile on May 20, we’d love to see them regularly leave their desks at lunchtime.

“We also hope that bosses throughout Bucks will back their teams in this because it benefits everybody.”

The Midday Mile is part of the national Workplace Challenge run across the country by the County Sports Partnerships Network.

Leap says that workers can, if they want, add a charity element to the initiative by donating to theBritish Heart Foundation.

Text MILE to 70123 to donate £3 to the charity.

Anyone taking part can tweet a picture of your workplace doing their mile to @Leap_BMK #MiddayMileBMK”

For more information and route ideas visit:www.leapwithus.org.uk/middaymile.