米尔顿凯恩斯退休了超速行驶的需求s investigation into police

A pensioner convinced he was wrongly prosecuted for speeding has demanded a full investigation.

ByThe Newsroom
Wednesday, 3rd October 2018, 10:23 am
Updated Wednesday, 3rd October 2018, 11:29 am
Russell Sharpe

Farmer Russell Sharpe, 74, has sent solicors’ letters to the chief constable and Police and Crime Commissioner.

He has even got MP Mark Lancaster’s office to write “numerous” times on his behalf.

But Mr Sharpe, from Sherington Bridge Farm, is demanding a full investigation and says the police are failing to take his concerns seriously enough.

The saga started three years ago when he was picked up in his small Kia car by a police officer with a radar speed gun on the road between Emberton and Olney and accused of driving at 54mph.

“I was pootling along at my usual speed, about 25 miles an hour. Five cars had just whizzed along in front of me at an almighty speed. I reckon the gun picked up their speed and I got the blame,” he said.

A magistrates’ court later found Mr Sharpe guilty.

“I said ‘good grief, you just haven’t listened’ and told them I would appeal,” he said.

A year later Mr Sharpe won his appeal. The case was dismissed after the police officer failed to turn up to give evidence.

Today Mr Sharpe has a two inch thick file of letters of complaints to police, written by his solicitor, his MP’s office and himself. He claims police are “brushing him aside.”

“In my opinion the charge was trumped up. I want justice done but police are doing nothing,” he said.

a spokesman for MP Mark Lancaster’s office said : “ We have written numerous time to the PCC, the IPCC and the police over the years. Unfortunately our attempts to obtain a positive resolution have not been successful.”

Thames Valley police declined to comment.