Milton Keynes Amazon baby helps mum and dad celebrate career milestone

The newest member of the Amazon team in Milton Keynes has helped his mum and dad celebrate a career milestone.

ByThe Newsroom
Friday, 26th October 2018, 11:35 am
Updated Friday, 26th October 2018, 12:40 pm
Leo with parents Dean and Anna Garrett
Leo with parents Dean and Anna Garrett

One-year old Leo Garrett made a special visit to Amazon in Milton Keynes, where he was presented with his very own Amazon pass, featuring his picture.

狮子座的父母,迪恩和安娜阁楼t from Milton Keynes, brought their son to the fulfilment centre to celebrate their long service at the site.

Dean started working at Amazon in Milton Keynes in 2004 when he left school and Anna joined in 2005. The local couple began their Amazon careers as inbound associates stowing goods into the inventory locations and have risen through the ranks to become Operations Managers.

The pair met while working at Amazon in Milton Keynes in 2005 and were married in 2013.

Greeting Leo at the fulfilment centre was Amazon Milton Keynes General Manager, Scott Wharton, who said: “It was great to meet little Leo and see how proud his parents are to show him where they work. Dean and Anna have been fantastic team members at Amazon in Milton Keynes and I’d like to thank them for their dedication in delivering smiles for our customers.”

Dean Garrett, added: “Leo loved his first trip to Amazon in Milton Keynes and I’ve been joking with Anna that while he was there, we’ve confirmed his start date in 2036! We’ve loved our time at Amazon, despite my original plan of working here for six weeks when I left school. Almost 15 years on, I can say it has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”