Man arrested in connection with assaulting a pregnant woman

A man has been arrested for racially aggravated assault in Milton Keynes.

Wednesday, 14th September 2016, 11:12 am
Updated Tuesday, 4th October 2016, 1:49 pm

The arrest is in connection with an incident involving a 34 year-old woman, who was in the Co-op in Water Eaton Road, Bletchley when she was approached by a man who directed racial remarks at her.

The man followed the woman to her car and then assaulted a second victim, a 40–year-old man, by hitting him over the head with a bag of ice and a bottle.

The first victim was pregnant and as a result of the assault she lost her baby.

This morning a 37-year-old man from Milton Keynes was arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated assault and is currently in custody.