Lorry driver found guilty in death by dangerous driving trial

A lorry driver who failed notice a family's broken down car on a dual carriageway has been found guilty of death by dangerous driving.

Court news. Court news.
Court news.

Christopher Mallett said he must have “blinked” as his DAF lorry cab ploughed into the back of a stationary Toyota RAV4 in March last year.

The family of two adults and two children inside was spun off the road through a hedge and wooden fence and into a field as the silver car was crushed by the impact, trapping them inside.

Little Mohammed Ali Ahmed, 7, who was sitting behind the driver, was thrown forward through the car, suffering fatal head injuries.

Professional lorry driver Mallett, from Clyde Place, Bletchley, denied one count of causing death by dangerous driving in relation to the crash along the A4146 by Stoke Hammond in Buckinghamshire.

Ian Hope, prosecuting, said it had been Mallett’s “failure to observe the road ahead” that led him to slew into the broken down car which was clearly visible to drivers on the clear afternoon.

The Toyota’s driver, Sajida Parveen, was forced to pull over and wait for help after having engine problems while driving back home from Costco in Milton Keynes, with her aunt, niece and nephew.