Letter of the Week: Grateful thanks to my heroes of MK

I write in regard to a traffic accident I was unfortunately involved in on April 8, on Standing Way in Milton Keynes involving an overseas HGV.

Friday, 6th May 2016, 6:00 am

I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to all those members of the public who stopped to help, waited with me until the emergency services arrived and gave their details and witness statements to the police.

An especial thanks must go to the lady who kindly and calmly contacted my son and also to the gentleman who crawled through the glass on the Tarmac to turn the ignition off.

还有一群人阻止the car from rolling any further and stayed in place until the fire brigade arrived.

Then, of course, there are the emergency services.

The medical first responder, the amazing fire officers who managed to protect me while cutting me out of the vehicle, the paramedics, so calm and yet caring and the police who took the time to check up on me the next day.

Also a big thanks to all the staff at Milton Keynes A&E and X-Ray departments which were so clearly under extreme pressure but maintained a cheery professionalism.

I consider myself to be very lucky not to have any major injury and truly believe someone was watching over me. My heroes of Milton Keynes – you know who you are. Once again a very big thank you to you ALL.

T L Collins

by email