Hampstead Gate Day Nursery scoop prestigious Green Flag with distinction

There was cause for celebration at Hampstead Gate Day Nursery in Milton Keynes as proud children and colleagues learnt that they had received another prestigious eco-accreditation.
Hampstead Gate Day Nursery children with their Harry the Hippo mural Hampstead Gate Day Nursery children with their Harry the Hippo mural
Hampstead Gate Day Nursery children with their Harry the Hippo mural

After scooping two ‘Green Flag’ awards with distinction as part of the international Eco-Schools programme over the past two years, pre-schoolers from the setting on Eelbrook Avenue were delighted to add a third to their impressive repertoire, following a sustained environmental project and curriculum of green topics, involving children of all ages. The accolade, which is the highest achievement in the international programme, recognises sustainable initiatives in nursery, which include growing herbs and vegetables, creating habitats for wildlife, crafting with natural and recycled materials and litter picking sessions, as well as enterprises such as sponsoring endangered turtles to learn more about marine life. To further learning, pre-schoolers also enjoy a series of books, handwritten and created by Childbase Partnership professionals, with titles including ‘Harry and the Bug Hotel’ and ‘Harry and the Big Clean Up’, to help embed key eco messages, whilst talented colleague, Maria Christania Winardi has created a Harry inspired mural in the children’s garden area. Childbase Partnership has recently been named ‘Early Years Provider of the Year’ by Keep Britain Tidy for earning the Eco-Schools ‘Green Flag’ award in every single nursery setting, a record-breaking sector first, which recognises exceptional environmental awareness efforts. Praising Hampstead Gate’s achievement, an Eco-Schools Representative explained; “It’s wonderful to see how your Eco-Committee members are empowered to take an active role in meetings and how you provide a forum for discussion in which they feel safe and confident to verbalise their thoughts and ideas. This will help to ensure that your Eco-Schools work is child-led and that your pupils, despite their young age, have a strong voice.” “What really stands out in your Action Plan is how your choice of projects was led by the passions and interests of the children and this is clear testament to how you are putting your young people at the heart of the programme”, they added. Hampstead Gate Day Nursery Eco-Representative, Rachael Wright explained; “We are committed to giving our children the best possible future here at Hampstead Gate and looking after the environment plays a huge part in that. We have worked so hard to reach this point and we are so proud of everything we’ve achieved. The children are very enthusiastic about the activities on offer and love sharing their learning back at home.”

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