Graduation day for new primary and secondary school teachers in Milton Keynes

A group of 33 newly qualified primary and secondary school teachers have graduated after receiving exemplary training for a year within a school environment.

SCITT graduation
SCITT graduation

The Chrysalis Theatre in Willen was where the 14 primary and 19 secondary school newly qualified teachers (NQT) received their Post Graduate Certificates in Education, which were presented by Mayor of Milton Keynes Martin Petchey.

The Mayor praised the recipients, who graduated from the Tommy Flowers School Centre Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), on their achievement and commitment to teaching.

Denbigh School headteacher, Andy Squires, said: “Teachers need to engage students in the classroom and deliver lessons with enthusiasm and vitality, in order to inspire students to learn and help shape their future lives. The Tommy Flowers SCITT, which was only established in 2014, has already trained over 100 outstanding teachers, who are now mostly teaching in Milton Keynes schools.”

The NQTs were congratulated by guests Cheryl Eyre, MK Council’s head of setting and school effectiveness, Ian Tett, headteacher at Oakgrove School and Jo-Anne Hoarty, St Paul’s School’s headteacher.

SCITT is a training partnership with links to primary and secondary schools, a special school and pupil referral unit. For details of applications for the September 2019 intake, search for Tommy Flowers SCITT, under Teacher Training Providers at