Exam results: Keep calm and communicate advises NHS Milton Keynes CCG

With exam results just a few days away, stress levels are probably rising in many households. NHS Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group is reminding students and their families that support is available.
With exam results just a few days away, stress levels are probably rising in many households- but help is available With exam results just a few days away, stress levels are probably rising in many households- but help is available
With exam results just a few days away, stress levels are probably rising in many households- but help is available

Anxiety, self-doubt, panic and fear about the future are just some of the feelings teenagers may go through in the next few days as they await A-level results on Thursday (August 16) and GCSE results a week later.

如果有人对他们的考试结果感到焦虑lts, the best thing to do is talk to someone. While it isn’t possible to change the outcome of the exam results, it is possible to take steps to reduce the amount of anxiety or stress that people are feeling.

Dr Nicola Smith from NHS Milton Keynes CCG gives this advice: “If you are expecting GCSE or A-Level results soon, it is perfectly natural to worry or even to feel anxious. When we are anxious, we are likely to predict or think the worst before knowing the facts. Exam results are important, but your mental and physical health is more important. Even if the results are not what you expected, there are always options open to you.”

One in four of us will have problems with our mental health at some time in our lives. Sometimes difficult experiences or events can cause low moods and depression. So, if you’re nervous or anxious, talk about it.

Dr Smith continues: “Don’t be embarrassed about your feelings – you might think nobody else is feeling this way but chances are they are. Exams are stressful. Bottling up stress can make it worse. Talk to your friends and family.

“On results day, surround yourself with those you trust. Remember that you don't have to share your results with everyone, but it’s important to find someone to help you talk through your options if you’re unsure of what to do next. Anxiety and stress can make you feel worried or scared about seeking help. But there are lots of options available.”

Young Minds and Mind both have lots of useful advice online. Childline is also offering help at this stressful period of time and will confidentially talk to anyone up to the age of 19 by calling 0800 1111. If you’re finding it difficult to talk things through then try writing things down to help you explain.

Visit the Childline website for advice on coping with exam results athttps://bit.ly/2bpWj4m, or benefit from Young Minds help and support athttps://bit.ly/2NQJAIqLocally, you can visit, Mind Bedfordshire, Luton, Milton Keynes (BLMK)https://www.mind-blmk.org.uk/milton-keynesor call 0300 330 0648.

If you want advice or support about your exam results there are a number of organisations available. Gcsepod provides online support and advice on the options available to you following your results and they also have an online video on how to cope with your GCSE results. Visithttps://www.gcsepod.com/exam-results-support/

For A-Level results, UCAS provides tips on how the process works and what to expect as well as information on where you can go for advices and support. Visithttps://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/results-confirmation-and-clearing/ucas-undergraduate-results